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Chapter 8 invites all who are members of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC) to join New England Chapter 8.


As horologists, we are committed to the study and collection of timepieces. We offer regular meetings held on weekends which include including Marts, luncheon, or picnic, and two or three presentations covering the spectrum of collecting and repairing clocks and watches. 


The Marts include a wide range of materials from timepieces, tools, books, parts, and other horological items. 


In addition, we conduct monthly, 3rd Wednesday evening seminars on horological related subjects by nationally known presenters.


Our members have a wealth of knowledge which they are eager to share with others.


The mission of the Chapter is to:

  • To stimulate interest in horological items of all kinds.
  • To foster genuine interest in collecting horological items.
  • To gather historical information concerning development of these items and biographical data of clock and watch makers or their companies and methods.
  • To cooperate with individuals and with their organizations in exhibiting horological items.
  • To collect and preserve horological data and material for posterity.
  • To disseminate information regarding the mechanisms of horological items and repair thereof.
  • To facilitate the acquisition or disposition of horological items by members.


To Join Chapter 8, please CLICK HERE.